Gross Vale Garden Clean Out

WOW. Just wow! We certainly had our work cut out for us with this gem. The landscape designer told our clients that these 2000+ grasses are low maintenance, and there hadn't been a haircut for any of them since they were planted 9 years ago. The picturesque surroundings and wonderful hospitality, made the 5 FULL DAYS of pruning bearable, as did watching the light at the end of the tunnel get closer ;) The end result is a clean cut, fresh looking garden for this beautiful family to enjoy. What a huge difference it makes! Thank you for entrusting LNR to give your garden the make over it was crying out for. Thank you also, for the hospitality you showed our team. It was lovely to meet you all :) PS The first grasses that we trimmed had already grown 100mm by the time we'd finished pruning on day 5!!!